We are currently working on projects with Costain and Walters at Heysham, Costain and Walters at Immingham, Costain and Walters A556 Knutsford Bypass, Costain and Walters A5 – M1 Link, Costain at M1 widening structures J.29 – J.32, Skanska and Walters at M1 J.19 and Carillion Rail Buckingham Joint Venture at Bicester. We have just started work for Costain and Walters at the A465 Heads of the Valleys, and another project with Costain at M1 J.16 – J.19 and also work at M1 J.23 – J.25 Verges.

West Coast has successfully completed projects with Bam Morgan Sindall Joint Venture at M1 J.15 – J.19 and one with Costain at M1 J.10 – J.13.